Well - I thought I should update the blog with a few points about whats been going on in Film Production land so that you can all see we've been very very busy in the last month - so here are the main points
The Boxing scene - a meeting has been set up for next week no less for us to meet with the guys providing the boxing venue and technical support. Additionally we should get to meet my 'opponent' when I shall start my grovelling to ensure he doesnt actually 'lay one on me'
We've been making a list and checking it twice! Our To Do list is coming on nicely and between Darren and me, we are even managing to check a few off as done!
Public Liability Insurance - this is a big one because we need this to film on location. We finally managed to get ourselves £1m of cover at a rate that didnt cost us thousands of pounds! not easy I can tell you!
Props - all I can say is - I picked a hell of a time to have problems with an ebay seller for the first time ever! But we're getting there.
Darren's been awat in the States being very important etc so its good to have him back and firing on all cylinders!
Training - my Personal Trainer has given me my training plan and diet for the last six weeks prior to shooting - its a tough regime and I'm hungry all the time but its having the desired effect so hopefully I will be in shape for the key scenes!
Lates all - Jon
PS - thanks to all of you who are reading the blog - please feel free to post comments!